No.. im not one "desperate housewife".. haha... But I do miss watching desperate housewives.. the series. arg...
when i started working, no more desperate housewives for me..
i've seen its first season on dvd.. my mom brought the dvd home from her employer.. and ack the first cd is missing!
-just great! anyway,
i was still able to enjoy the movie.. BITIN! haha!!!! I want MORE!!!!!!! RAAAAARRRR!!!!
prior to liking/loving this series, i pay no attention to it like it was just some non-sense flick. but it turn out to be something hilarious and intresting.. its really fun to watch..
i wanted to catch its second season on tv since im not so sure my mom would be able to buy a copy of its second season and bring it home saan pa kundi sa PINAS!! weeee!!!!
buti si boyfriend bebe rafael eh nakakanood nyan sa upis nya.. haha!!! enviously thinkng about it.. hay.. hay.. buhay..
as if its the end of the world for me.. hehe... ill catch that! somewer.. someday.. hehe.. andrama na ng lolah moh! wak!